Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Nation of Islam is Ruining Young Black Men with Lies

This was inspired by talk radio host Jesse Lee Peterson who wrote a great piece over at World Net Daily.  He's talking about how Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam and how it is corrupting thousands of young black men in America.  Here's the money quote:

I have witnessed and heard countless reports of young black men routinely targeted and recruited by various subversive groups. One of the leading recruiters inside U.S. jails and prisons is none other than Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam.
Studies show that most incarcerated young men come from homes headed by single mothers. In most cases, the dads have left or were never in the home to start with. You can imagine the sense of isolation and emptiness these young men must feel growing up.
Since these young men do not have their dads in the home to guide them, sinister outside forces are able to seize their hearts and minds.
This is so sad and if we neglect these issues we will lose a generation that seems to already be lost.

Oh and for your information, here is the definition of "blue eyed devil" from the Urban Dictionary.

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