Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Democrats Are Demagogues

Florida Senator Marco Rubio has a great piece in today's Wall Street Journal.  He's taking a stand for the country and for our children.

This was one of the best quotes from his article.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff and President Obama: Famous Last Words or Gunrunner Excuses

Obama's line came from an interview about the Operation Gun Runner scandal where ATF agents allowed guns to be purchased in the states and then brought back over to Mexico and then a couple of our brave agents were shot WITH those guns.

h/t Fox News

This guy's hand motions are really distracting.

Also from Lonely Conservative:

Asked who knew about this GunRunner, the Lonely conservative quotes and adds:
He said he was unaware of it, and that Attorney General Eric Holder didn’t know about it, either. He said the reason for their ignorance is that “It’s a pretty big government, it’s got a lot of moving parts.” Well, who grew the government by 200,000 employees? 

From Laura Ingraham:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

16 New Band Names from Recent Political Headlines

1.  Early Warning System - This was from all the news about the Tsunami from Japan and how cutting the Federal Government even a penny would somehow eliminate our early warning system.  Their songs are prescient.  They sang a couple songs about Freddie Mac and a song called "The Bear Stearns Bubble."

2.  Substantial Physical Nexus - This of course came from the "Amazon Tax" in Illinois and the Supreme Court ruling about an internet company's presence in a state.  This electronica band has smooth sounds and gibberish for lyrics.

3.  The Meltdowns - The media did this not Japan.  This Fear Music is popular amongst Hawaiians and people on the West Coast in America.

4.  Green Fracking - This band is a mix of environmental rock and the Drill Baby Drill crowd.  The lyrics constantly contradict each other.  Their concerts are marked by the lead singer coming out at the beginning and drinking a cup of oil.

5.  The Sex Tax - Liberals might take offense at this and Conservatives laugh but it's coming.  From a Democrat state.

6.  Antiquated Nationalism - This band is big in Korea and China even though they sing in English.  Everybody in England hates this band and in the big cities and on college campuses across America this band is never invited.

7.  The Debt Holes - These band members are all liberal progressives.  Their music sucks but Rolling Stone love them.

8.  Bankrupting Babies - This girl band is proud of the fact that to be in the band you have to have at least 3 abortions.  The previous drummer was let go when Planned Parenthood revealed she only had 2 abortions.

9.  2 Big 2 Fail - A boy band that is just that.  Too big to fail.  This sucker will never go away.

10.  The Non-Essentials - I love when we're told that we can't cut the non essential part of the government because that would increase unemployment.  They were recently cut from the South by Southwest concert list because they were... non essential.

11.  Trashing Sarah - This obviously progressive band plays clips of Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow and the late Keith Olbermann during their songs.

12.  The Vindictive Principals - If Republicans were Union's worst enemy, then this band is their second worst enemy.  They sing about crushing unions and how their teachers sucked.

13.  Bright Liberals - This band has never been able to leave the ground.  They didn't start in their garage (they didn't have a proper permit) and they don't play in coffee shops because they weren't able to determine if the coffee was fair trade or not.  This band operates by committee which is why we haven't seen an album yet.

14.  Drawing Mohammed - After their tour of the Middle East we haven't heard from them.  I think the lead singer ended up on the street in Holland and his head was found a week later.

15.  The Extremist Evangelicals - Bands have to come up with outrageous names just to sound relevant.  Their new album "We all Gotta Die Sometime" was a hit with young protestants till the lead singer blew himself up at a local church severely burning the bass drummer.  They've apparently found a new lead singer but he's a Lutheran.

16.  The Illegal Canadians - This Tex/Mex band has not had the opportunity to play in the states yet since they haven't gotten their visas granted by Homeland Security.  Lead singer Jorge Ruiz thought the name would fool the authorities and claims racial profiling when people send them complimentary Pabst Blue Ribbon cans to their PO box.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obama's Cub Scout Troop

I think, out of exasperation, Roger Hedgecock said this during this week.  I wouldn't even vote for Obama for a cub scout troop leader!  Funny!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Let's just end the whole issue with federal funding to NPR once and for all: start federal funding for Rush Limbaugh's EIB network. That's fair.

One of the main arguments to keep NPR's federal funds rolling in is that the rural people wouldn't get the news. From they say this:
"Democratic opponents called it an ideological attack that would deprive local stations, especially rural ones, of access to programs such as "Car Talk," "All Things Considered" and "Morning Edition."
Here's another example from WBEZ 91.5's website:
"Though many think NPR could live without government funding, that may not be the case for many stations that serve small cities and rural areas. If funds from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting were to go away, it is likely that some of these stations would cease operations."
Let's get down to brass tax here.  It's not about the rural areas.  Most liberals couldn't care less about rural areas.  What do they call it: FLY OVER COUNTRY?  What did the NPR's Schiller say about the vast number of Americans: racists, uneducated etc.  Now they are pretending to love those same people deep in America's heartland.

L. Brent Bozell over at Newsbusters said it much better than I could:
"In response, public broadcasters predictably cry that rural stations will shut down – as if NPR really cares about those people they consider uneducated, less-than-Christian, gun-toting hayseeds."
NPR should be more honest about who they really are and who their number one competitor is: The EIB (Excellence in Broadcasting) network, or Rush Limbaugh.  When they are talking about "rural" areas in the states they are really talking about Rush's penetration into the rural areas across the fruited plains.  When they have 3-4 stations in big cities, their real motivation is to have a bigger presence than Rush Limbaugh.

But if my opening statement made you spit your coffee out of your mouth, good.  Rush doesn't need federal funding anymore than NPR does.  At least Rush is man enough to consistently remind us that profit is not a bad word as he does when he says, "Now we go to our obscene profit break..."  If NPR mentioned PROFIT  there would be a loud "Tsk tsk tsk" from all the big cities and their liberal listeners.

If NPR is really so great, let it truly compete with Rush.  We'll see who will win.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What's the Difference: 3rd Trimester baby Aborted AND 4 month old Jewish Baby Stabbed by Palestinians?

Horrible Horrible story coming out of Israel.  Haven't heard anything from Obama.  Sad.  But these people are fine with abortion of children during the 3rd trimester.  Obama even has signed legislation that if a woman wanted an abortion...and the baby comes out alive anyway, just kill it.  Yikes.

Here's the original story in Ynet News.
Here's the latest posts on the Jerusalem post.
Hat tip Big Journalism.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Liberal's Vision of Planned Parenthood: One on Every Block!

This was inspired by this sick video that I saw morning of the "WALK FOR CHOICE" which is some moronic pro-abortion march.  I love the language of these people.  So civil.  The attitude and the sense they make.  Someone mentioned that they want a planned parenthood on every block like Starbucks.  Sick.

Friday, March 11, 2011

WSJ, Think Progress, Big Government and Think Progress Again --My comments from across the Web.

Lately I've been trying to compile my comments from across the web and make them into a post. Here's the first one.

Scott Walker's Facebook Post about his WSJ OP-ED
"Great article Governor Walker. I did my best to spread the article around. Thank you for standing up for your principles and the 2 examples in your article are good. Your Brother's example and Indiana's example."
Think Progress about Representative King's Islamic Radicalization Hearing for Thursday March 10:

"Probably the funniest thing I've ever heard: Christian Extremist. LMFAO!"

From Big Government a post by Dan Riehl where he SLAMS Media Matters for not being as effective as little old James O'Keefe:

"This was a great post. Great to point out which is more effective. Funny thing is... with ACORN, the Teachers Union, and now this NPR thing and plus the Planned Parenthood scandal... for us conservatives... it's nothing we didn't know before. We already knew all this... but it's just great to get it out in the open!"

From Big Hollywood where they wrote about an HBO special about GAME CHANGE the book about the 2008 election where Julianne Moore will star as Sarah Palin:

"a movie about what happened 3 years ago that still seems to be a bad dream? No thanks."

From Think Progress and their article pointing out that a Wisconsin Republican actually admits that the bill is to get rid of unions and thus make Obama lose:

"I love these liberals. We have to allow unions to exist so that they can continue to support Democrats so that Democrats can continue to bankrupt the state and give money to unions. That's ok for the liberal. What's bad for the liberal is for a guy who has money... HIS OWN MONEY... to give to Republicans so that they can win a race. That's bad for the liberal.
Hmmm. A guy using his own money... vs. people forcing money out of the taxpayers. Hmmmm... that's a tough one."

Mark Levin's Facebook Page talking about the hidden $105 billion in ObamaCare to fund it no matter what the election result was:

Hey Mark! Thanks for your leadership on this. First time I've called my congresspeople. THAT WAS FUN! The lady who answered the phone confirmed that what Michelle Bachman said was true. I mean I already agreed but she confirmed it. OF course my congress dude is a Dem and the lady said, He is concerned fiscally...but cutting the gov't would hurt schools in your area. WHATEVER!
Think Progess again has an article about this sad story of a woman who was told by her doctor that her baby was going to die and their sober decision was to have an abortion and not allow the baby to come to term and suffer.  This was a conversation I had with a brain dead commenter over on Think Progress:

This is interesting. She watches her child die, this is inhumane. But an abortion is the same except I guess she just wouldn't have seen it. All this shows is that life is precious. What she couldn't go to the next state where she could've gotten an abortion?

another person commented:
98percenter: Republicans apparently believe the government should be able to force you to do what they have determined is best for you.Sometimes what is best for you is being forced to deliver a stillborn child and go through the same suffering that a mother giving birth to a live child would have to. Its your fault for having sex and for that you must pay. 
Since we can't rely on God to punish you, we need to see you punished for ourselves even if you don't deserve it.

My response:
What do you call ObamaCare? "Government should be able to force you to do what they determined is best for you." Somehow I think Republicans are the ones trying to defund ObamaCare.

What should happen is that each state should be allowed to make the decision. Period. Not some "law" from the Supreme Court on high.

98percenter:I call Obamacare a half-assed attempt at healthcare reform that perpetuates our pay-or-die, for-profit welathcare system, while expanding the weakest form of insurance coverage, namely Medicaid, to 30 million of the 50 million that have no health insurance, and gives billions in corporate welfare to for-profit insurance corporations.
It does attempt to regulate the worst practices of for-profit insurance corporations, such as denial based on pre-existing conditions and dumping you when they have determined they have spent more on you than you are worth.
I disagree with mandating Americans to buy a for-profit bad product.
We should have simply made Medicare available for all and cut the parasites out of the loop.
I see no reason for my healthcare dollars to go to a 1.7 billion dollar golden parachute for the former UHC ceo. Those dollars should be going to actual healthcare.
Much like republicans don't want Americans to have any option other than what for-profit insurance corporations allow, they also don't want Americans to have the option of privacy and freedom to pursue personal healthcare decisions when they realize they can exploit religiousness to garner votes from those who wish to intrude upon your privacy and impose their personal beliefs on you.
People like you should be proud of Obamacare, since it forces people to pad for-profit insurance corporations stock prices through mandated purchases and gives the same swindlers billions up front. If you are rich, you should see decent dividends. If you are not rich, you will suffer like the rest of us.
My response to that:
Wait, so you are one of the few who actually doesn't think ObamaCare goes far enough? First of all, Insurance companies don't drop people because of pre-existing conditions and if they did they can be taken to court or just move to another company. If you have a problem with ObamaCare or Medicare or Medicaid and their not giving you money... what are you going to do? NOTHING.
You said: "Republicans don't want Americans to have the option of privacy and freedom to pursue personal healthcare decisions..."

Really? Because it seems to me that's what ObamaCare and Medicare Medicaid is doing now. Sure Republicans voted for it in the past but who's advocating for Medicaid/Medicare for all???

I want this drug to save my life.
No you can't have that because it's too expensive.
But it will save my life.
Sorry, it's too expensive.

That's the story with ObamaCare. It's already happening with Breast Cancer medicine. At least with the private sector you can have a second opinion.

98percenter again:
By the way, I agree that individual states should have the option to opt out of the new healthcare law, but also think the governments of those states should do something to stop the rape of average Americans by the for-profit wealthcare regime.

I wrote in response:
But your option is that the government gives people health care.
Government has no money.
They get it from the tax payers.
Government is by default not as efficient than the private sector.
Massive fraud, waste and abuse in government programs.
Adding more people to this makes that all worse.
Plus raising your taxes and mine.
I already pay too much in taxes.
If we all got to keep a bit more of our OWN MONEY...
perhaps we could afford to pay our health care bills.

98percenter yet again:
Insurance corporations refuse to cover healthcare frequently when they claim you are applying for benefits for a health condition they claim pre-existed. There is no difference between "dumping" you and simply not covering the medical condition. In both cases you are on your own.
For-profit insurance corporations already decide which doctor-recommended evaluations and treatments they will allow you to pursue. The difference in the decision making is the profit motive for the for-profit insurance corporations. They even claim that established standards of care are experiemental as in the case of the young girl out west who needed a liver transplant which they initially refused until it was exposed. Insurance corporations have death panels fueled by a profit motive. 
Our biggest problem is the profit motive. Corporations exist to make profit regardless of the cost even to our nation. The profit motive made those medications unaffordable in the first place. The profit motive made healthcare in general unaffordable to regular Americans. We pay twice as much as the next most expensive nation when it comes to healthcare specifically because of our for-profit healthcare system.
I prefer that profit not be weighed into any decision regarding my health, and that is all for-profit insurance corporations do.
I responded with a quote from Milton Friedman:
Profit is what built this country.
The bottom line is: Somebody will ration your care. You, insurance companies or the government. The decision is up to you. If ObamaCare is implemented the decision won't be ours anymore.

Milton Friedman said: "Is it really true that political self-interest is nobler somehow than economic self-interest?"

Think about that!

I guess that shut them up on Think Progress.

Again from Think Progress talking about how Peter King's American Islamic Radicalization hearing was a crusade and an Al Qaeda recruiting tool:

I thought you all hated Bush. So what do you all care about what his people said? Somehow quoting from a Bush person makes your point?!

The funniest thing about this is that OUR country's existence is a recruiting tool for Al Qaeda, homosexuality is a recruiting tool, women existing is a recruiting tool and now Peter King's hearing is a recruiting tool. What ISN'T a recruiting tool for those morons?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Harry Reid is CLUELESS!

This has got to be the most amazing video of all time.

The funniest thing about this is that without the money from the government to fund this Cowboy Poetry thing... the people who go there WOULDN'T exist!  Hilarious.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

NPR is over.

Senior Executives at NPR meet with Muslim Brotherhood Front Group to solicit $5mm and discuss their federal funding, Fanatical Christians, Zionists in the media, Tea Partiers, Republicans, Uneducated Americans and Juan Williams.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Democrats Don't Care about Pregnant Women!

But then again.... we already knew that.

So much out there on web about this.  I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in.

Rush was talking about it a while back here.
So here you have a pregnant woman, Democrat senator from Wisconsin, being pressured to abandon her job and democracy -- being pressured to abandon her responsibilities as a wife and mother -- to stay on the road.  This is insane!  Man these people can be cruel. These public sector union leaders can be cruel masters, and these Democrats are taking orders from them.  Imagine, as I said, if a private sector company kept a pregnant woman away from home in order to secure a contract or profit.  Imagine if this woman worked for Walmart, and she's on the road on company business and wants to come home 'cause she's pregnant and they won't let her. There would be senatorial hearings. They'd be shutting down Walmarts all over the place.  
Maggie's Notebook.

Freedom Eden

Fox Nation.

Free Republic.

From Red State:
Those twisted, sadistic FREAKS in the Wisconsin Democratic party really and truly made a woman with child go into interstate exile for two weeks?  So that union bosses could keep unlimited access to funds to fuel their politician (and other prostitutes) habit?  That is sick.  That is disgusting.
And lastly from Hot Air

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Definition of Projection

Erik Rush over at WND has a great piece called "Liberals and Violence: The pot calling the kettle black" in which he defines PROJECTION which is above in the dictionary with my own example. It was a great article that I would recommend to all readers.  He mentions that back in January 2011, Bill Maher talked about how conservatives want to kill people they disagree with:

Video from Newsbusters.

here's the money quote:

LENO: Now, Roger Ailes said to Fox, they're gonna scale back the rhetoric. You think this will last for any longer than a week or two?
MAHER: No, because that's the rhetoric they love. The right-wing loves, the go-to rhetoric for them is, "Wouldn't it be fun to kill the people we disagree with?" You know, they try to put across this false equivalence. [To audience] No?
Maher goes on to say that if Liberals talk violent it's ok because the people who are liberals don't have guns and are not crazy.  Wow.  I'd like to see his take on the Wisconsin Union wackos.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gordon Hintz: Making Democrats Proud

@GordonHintz  Never heard of this peice of work till this morning but what a piece of work!  Here's his Twitter account.  Here's an article from Examiner.  From the Blaze.